nu: BOSTON LOBE-WEDNESDAT; DECEM BER 3, 1902. 3 I ELECTED IN MUNICIPALITIES OVERWORKED IVOMENISOCIALISTS WON sly so THEIR! IN BROCKTON. IV: SO MANY LOSE THEIR 'MAYORS C. Haskell were reelected schnOt oluniiiis ern mittoem-n without alita-men show bale chamee. In er mposit rt ire.
Lnthrem. Or ipatriek arta Barrett errposit' Mcietire. FcI1. Lothrop. 1 I I 11 a lrsens.
Cole. ipatriek tint Barrett 1 being retlet tett The new man Is coon- om ward 5 In ward 7. hti fr Duffy's Pure riait Whisk.2" Cures Drone a Mr Flynn Phetwod unexpecte4 strongth. The env Etat continues stron.tly in titp, ConsumptIon and All Diseases tho eolittnn. the tnajori.
In favor leg against tr.Al last year. of the Throat and Lungs. rt-r uss ono democrat to- If ymir throat is weak. or if you tn. trim (lay.
-flitam Peering for the coun- 141,1 is any stay with grip I tI In want 3. You have Befry's Inre Mal The total vote cast was 41.4. against Widchey will este you. It able sigestiou 4)ZS last I utlintilaitoe and thp Duffy's Pure riait Whisk.2" Cures Cfp, ConsumptIon and All Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. If yolir throat is wok.
or if you tn. tramblgl in ally oar with rip cr bronchitis: You Lisp compomptoto. Unre Malt Widakpy will cure you. It aids oicestiouc alimulatps and tiriPhea thp blood. e-- Tt1R-- LICENSE Cfirlls, Uretteh Yei Wards II, It RI.
14.1 2 4 7) 7 4 41!) 2'." IT 4 isa 14s 171 NO 2.4 212 2:1 314 L'-'7 219 2:4 :419 lii7 72 1.:14 i .:1 144 I 4- J'', i-' 0174'1; 4 4- 1 tetT 74 re itlf 1 0 i I 4., 1, 0 I L''''r -ie df.0 0 ahl, ic.4- p-- c. -1 -4. 4... Iv 1-3 I- 1 ..,1 4 r''-' 1" 4,,,, I 1'1 A .2,4 71 ok 4 1 .4 It''- Zo ap 1. 4 vr 1 1 11 .1 i i 1, 10 N.C0 1 i ,40, i-, 4 'Or xl, Jo, 4l -r ore imia r----' 41, 1 b.
--ttx'. ",4 rf ti I 0 it. 1 7,, A 1 1.4ar.. in, 3 (..,,, 1 1.ik vx ..,4 A. re rt .,17 44 41 --1.
l'''' 4 er.1 Isiir l'a -ICA' a-A. A.4k-b,. 4 4' '41 .4,44 414 I a VIA, at 0'1 It "0:4 4" 'N, a 7: T. li. 414.1.-;,4 A.
l' Cf4 ,.4.4 it. I 4 f' ,4 1' -4-''' ..1, -4 1 ..2 4...: --tr fe 1.1 4 4 .4.:, 4 4, 1, i ,.1. 14'st 474 4 Zs's 4'4'4 7 4 It.1,74- It I SURE CURE FOR ERONCHIT1S 1 1351 t1Pol1onen: Early last at.ring 1 arms takPu 1 'kith elironfr laria. I to 1o4p 1 'irons Effie apt In and ratarth of the air pas. lag's; kiltinest I trip.
most hot sA 145 121 19S tows' no rP11.4. Iiil 1 liiilt Puffy. 3init I Whiak0F. I vntanrart-d calning torriiirtti. and rot a ta 1242 1199 2270 14t72 atter takinz tineen bettle, I Lad unities 40 Iiiluian-a pluraniy.
col: majority for Isinnils 1 torl lost io-for- I la-ratt tali Ile 2itstr aiiiiskPy. I atoulI all who AlliEltNIEN Lays. troillit- to tali lintrys; 31alt Wistil 1 Nar4 5 I bigkry It Laa uir frtia trotablet IR bVii I. Ill roster. It 172 nothing rise soul.
glve vie IneUet. 7. 47 NI itatir It. ",4 3 11 lia-11y. I.
212 It C. IIENNINci "4 r-1 it It S-pt 7. Ificrf.I. Va. 11Ni 11 ol AVatil iti t-ati-fill awl aiN, ttat 111-iry's Pure Malt lb 1.1If Lili.
IV, tA It Colt. 1: 219 Vi hiskey is on the 1114,1. Anil iLat it 14; nut III Ps. i iialry. It.
44 potnt Isttle with tile 11111110 In an NYa; I It II Initt. III tot This Is the obit. I ortry Putp 1,11.1,1 11 411 A lin lit 147 Niait 11-Itii-it-y ia a-14. if off-o-d in tralit or tt'sni 4 Ward 1 i in tank. it la a ream.
11.ssre or I It IR lei F. I l'Istit*. lb rot Niriit witiAtit* witn-it are 10,111 cheap. Itakir Leeke. I) Si A 0 tlIpatrl, It.
It174 11 injure Ito" pyrietn. Tot s1.4.142.1 1242 1 EF9 2270 14t72 Ttluoau-s pluranty. 767 majority for Ileuse AllICHMEN Wattl 1 Narl 5 Ill It :41 Itatir It. 11 Ita11y. I VArl 7: 10 rznt1-r4 11N4, 11 Ward tr1 i IV COI.
1: 219 raro.o. 117, 4,4 Wm; I 3 I I 11 IR 101 II A Iti ir. 11 147 1.thr.p. 11..111 i.r. lit 147 ttnrI 4 Ward 7 It IR 103 It 11 I) A 0 tbIpatrl, R.I74 I I IIATOR CHARIER M.
BRYANT. Reelected In Quincy. 3 NIF-41 E. TMMAN, Meted Mayor of Gloucester. t17.1.1:-.1 II rtortrd Moro, of Fitt-Wong.
(., I 4 1 i. .7 t' ertt 1 1441 .0 4 I .0 ti 1 1 qp. ate' i I 'eq'' 4 cr -1" 7 i 'r t'' 4 lk i lt'' rt a i I k'. '1. 1 11a44' ''y 1 01 0 14.,:: 4.1r,;,,- As oo 'c 1.
oa 1 4 111, g. se -4 I I le 4 YESTERDAY. A LEX INPER (IRANI 1.11eotod or Lau ronoe. IlAYOR, (-mums s. ASIILEY Reelected In New Bedford.
1711IF1-T Ekoto4 Mayor of Springfield. CI 1t7 diAmme It 177 t7.s7 l's3 27I 11, 4..2 3.7 :114 4-L1 A It 11mi la 7 4s Iss 134 71 -143r II 144 ttI1 317 7.1 In 141 A 4. rt I IN I 45 I 74 1.4 -34 I. Prie.11 111 1 4:4 iv, 2..3 355 4 1.42 I If 110 143 274 427 144 149 1..1 I. Jt 117 17 1: Itoi 1.70 1.
For 15 110 151 75 4.42 I- .1,4,0,4 IP 1,4 III 174 :::4 li 1.0 lk ti; I "nit 114:2 19.o ki 44: ::49 P.IT I. :1 lists It 2. 45 1'71 2.,4 4:. 1:45 17tkl l'ap 16 14 PI 62 ICI I s7 s7 4.AI 4 II 5i 47 Pe. 1.4 I.3 5a.
IT St.3113 It Ea 333 L0419 410I'NCILMEN III WA111614 1 lard 4 It 172' l'. 1.1 4.1. 114.41, Jr It. ZI II 143 S. ti5 iinr.rn :4 "..3 II It Ik.ran A Po I- 14 4 onto IL te II 11, 1...377 11 F.
1.41.nlat It 11 I 1 1'A A NIler It nita Nom-nig. le Lon, A Sectlort II 31111.1 11.gir.101) I Word 2 'tit 11 111 rb. 342 I1 It Honk in, Ward ti 11- qbIeriy It 22 11 $....10:1 I. I- 43 V. irAy 9.1 A tr.
1144,1111 11- LI.1 't II kille-1-11' $... 73 Ir. IK3 3 II 11I 1 11, 11 Jr 1 1,3 II' A It 44r-, I. tststLs1 42 tN; NI 11.4ozt It I It 1'41 Ig 4 Po IN 21,70 War.111 VI I. Iki.ti,g,, Jr II.Z01 A 107 11 as! 3 If to II, 114 1A 11 IllisrA sInt II Josrmn It 3..1 sW 41 tiA-Avt It.
I 24 I A 114.11,,k II, A I. if Is. 1I A 1131, II IZ7 sWr Iiiwr tI. i-- IL I-ang." 4-r 11 25 II i 11n.l.. 1.1 Aeolmw 1111 be :63 .1 1 soLltAit 'NI Wa I -st for tr n.
GLOUCESTER. Tolman Elected on an independent Labor TicketMayor French Third, 257 Behind. fa.ot-cEsTn. YIE14, French In IA attempt in verure a pa-venth torn'. eirg hlofratth I by rni Tot-Man.
Inhlepen4lent labor ei.allhlate. mho 11.1.1 C4i plurality vr Venjantin H. (or-lifts. Jim. anti 17.7 ovtr Mayor French.
rot. Mr Tolman. as Itieh regular rtpubtlean roar. 1 :11 tbirl man. Alayor French na an alitn.ra out.
l'orlhot vino tho Itr24t, man of hits patty In run in Vf am! h. ree-tvel St magniflornt vote. carrying laaVla 3, 3 ion4 a J. E. Jeihn L.
Stanley and ON LICENSE. ---LICEN VOTE. YES. NO. SE 1901----, MAJORITY.
YES. NO. 1124 3139 2144 2183 3159 5812 1246 4578 1271 2196 1226 4479 2767 1511 4263 2C64 1545. 2322 2868 818 2323 1148 1882 2514 2390 1925 2291 80 638 839 2944 428 2255 123 313 1258 12S3 2083 842 C32 780 A ,11 1 tr, 11., It 47 4 i. S.
4 I ''') A 4 51 7'0 ,44 .0 -4 -(7 1 kl i U. i Ir)V; IL vow. A' .) tp- tev-t-4'. i 1 4, IN rk -t, 1 0 1 .4. 12; 1.c....,.:,:,:..
I 3 4 5 -1 .4. y. .4 Ki 1 ,.1. ,4 1 'i A le 0 mt Cc. li 414.0 4.,,, r- i.4-A,-,,se 1.4.
rr, 1,. itrci 1-67- 4 ''le 4 ita 1 i ix 4. ,:7. 2 I 4 4 ,...1. 7, 5N, A i -14," A p- fic A ...7 ,1 A r-)- '74.
4 4' 4 41, 4 i4 -t, PO 31. cl, t-44 4 k' 1 I .4. ATTRACTIVENESS. jibs 'looser elt" flow Headache Sarkarbee Weaknegin mood Pistol Tempera May be Alla bled or Oserrome. Georgiarina J.
Mtv.sey of No. Lake street, St. Albans. is a healthy yourig woman. arid ru her appearance one would never she had ever been sick for a dAT In her life.
But there was a time, tEst years ago. when she was very 0. when ph)sicians treated her without avail. and hope for recovery was almost gone. But she was cured by pr.
Williams Pink Pills, and her ecry Is worth she says. -was the arse of zny illness. My system became alt run down generally. ray btecd was poor and the doctors said I tad anrmia. My appetite failed me; I tecame pale and sickly.
with to I all is my face. I had spells Ell severe headaches. My illness a f- tcted My sail I not walk iny tilstauce without becoming very and short of breath. slaIered tor two years. anti eget as confined t3 CIF bed.
I doctored with an aWe local physician for a year 31d to bereft. Then I went to Montreal anti took treatment from a physiclan there. but he oid to rood. ad I began to fear I would tevir get well. 'While ta Montreal a friend of trine vb.
ttni who hal been beretted br Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale advised me to try ant rap.iicine. I begna taking ttrm. anent $oon law a change flr the better. I reticel 1 my lips anfl ears were beginning to lock red, an' the pallor was ladirg away.
My cheeks beezin to CI cut. and tny appetite ret tirnorti. My nottced the change at cace and asked Tie sho was try doctor now. I toll them that Dr. hams' Ptak Pills for Pale People ware doing all this.
-Altogether I took twelve boxes. amil by that time I was a strong and tutthy girl azala. Ilea I went to the stnre here to bay a supply of Dr. Williams' lint: for Pale Miss Mossey sail. -the clerk told me I could bus' them cheaper in bulk than in the But I remembered I bad mid a wartigg that thp genuine pills were tever sold in bulk.
and so I inststA be; given the rackage with te wrapper on it bearing the tira name--Pr. Williams' Pick Pills fr Filo Peopleand I got them." rr. Williams' rink Pills for rao may be haJ cf all druecists. or d.r,11 by rnil trent Dr. Williams CCraPant.
Shenectady N. T- tents a box; six boxes for r-30. -FCR TAKING FALSE OATH. Potiticians Interested in Trial of James J. Cuckiey, Who Voted in Seem Caucus.
SALEM Dae 2Takire a tilled. oath sas the eharee 4n Jarni Buckley of it l'ratt st. was triet Ike court today. the ca4e growing out of the catvus congresatonal convcrttors detecates. 117cktey rte-aatA rot ant a de-retort on the evidcnce irC.1 be announce Monday.
Buckley voted in the republican caucus in ward The taazus onicers testinet ElAks.ey had riot been known as a reputtkan. and was not enrulted on the vputtican Itst Pt the time of the caucus so that he WAS ant strn hetore he was atlowet to vote the otete 'ectton he was aopointod as a democratic deputy inspector. ant 4.rvert aS ath Buckley testifying In his own behalf said that he always hatt been a repubiican he bo4an to vote. and that be rever attended any caucus prey-lens to this year. The h2 attraeted much attenOrr, as it is the first to be brought under the Ft caucus law.
A end case of a staillar nature tell triel Saturday. Cold and Snow in Wyoming. CHETENNE. Wyo. Dee 2A severe snowstorm r.wohed here tomLis and is sown before a high wind.
The Itmterature has faaen to zero. MMEEn. Curse DRiNIA et RED ET White Pation Ilem311 Yr too roe Le gorse to s'oss of Is ter, km or sea boot lotroont a 11hIts RIMn.4 ken-sots stILII tors or tiostoq tt poor'', tr stImuLtnIs. wk. tUr th pn'tsst st rouhrno41 tootrivo.
otai strinitor or drunkard hotsto IS' Vs aro; loOlp to bay. Ott is; ttittP tilos. stop it-trosiy lallor.pd by Itemiser of 'W. Ir. T.
I portme dt rttltvtas Irnlp.rIne 114341,,, tt ntnty. Itctvm.c -I PlArup io.r.-dlt on ettotkrots stA tool' LIM. tio4ob It! many tb. Rem-oft, lortrra voorirttr I ekroorratir :4 el izibt-wb Ni-rat-r sit 'own to an no In orr- tsr tsraLeo bi' sr 1,1 grad. SI To-kozo fsss frittr.4 Ity I.
ant' 'ear, lierirrtiley tir a SIV I brigthas Teinpeesture 111.reloono. Trolotoot Rooter'. MOO. S41 sT t.tot COI ILAT.Tugt ST1 SS ton 14I-145 Summor Personal WILL CURE (01MIMpt.104 tron Achma anti 4 atarr. Th4 arra! El all g.
wrir loo an a aottr-4 rate. '01 "al tt.rtna twa enntl.t sit kt Lzma rtTn t. 1)0 11,.0 eTri r4 Vr I ItEZ IRE LUNG-GEILMINE OS. ICU. illt elm 1 Oceans of Sunshine Acres of roses and of paTros ntat's in inhinIntet.
foneri an4 pick rarzes. aeachert ors a bleh-eass tmnthe California Lira. Ask fur illustrtted W. NIANNTNG. Gill.
New Fog, Atli, Atchison. Toreks Santa It R.79 332 Wabil.ngton byston. LATES1 PUBLICAMNS OEHRVATIOtIS BY MR. DOOLEY The New Dooley Book Price $1.50 For See bv all Bookseller or by Paaltsber New York 4 alto olo al 1 kt i k- i klt I 4 I i ts i A I 0 ri OEHRVATIOt1S-B-Y MR. DOOLEY The Npw Dooley ,,,,2 II 2 6-11 i 11 Price I 50 rot cee git.
all Booksellers or av KI5511.1.. New York MATolt WALTER 11. MUSE. la Marlboro. I WATOR 311EllAY D.
CLFMENT, la Ws llama. 1ert.11 Mapwr tt Ilmorry.11. 111Mb War4 111trh-1r 11 1416 114 212 174 141 171 191 ,111 I 2:.01 104 1..1 2-71 3..4 411 110 11 Wiont 91 t1-1111ent 11 323 :24 Vol 2c11 :.21 117 1 Coo 1 Ill AV z71 44 1-1 1 1 113 ti-X) 'Ward! It 11Allowe 11.1'1Is :44 1:11 412 N1.1 177 7.74; RI 1 Wird 4 IV II 411 a I I. I It It I. All It 3 In If Itlf IN Maim I war.
'I it It ft; Kt-ion 3 I. .1 Larkin ilt tli AM ill. It 1 1- It A 1 i 1 It 1 11 art 3 M. Ar.1 11 11 t11 11- Hon n.r It I I ,11 IL ter ID 3: I nib' i'l SPOI31.r It I I.J Stbir14. LS7 7 I I I tAindrT Nt I.
11111,119 124 I. i .1 tVoird 1: '2i I ir Sento wt. Co 11N1 I rtr I. I 1 2 3 4 3 11 7 T114 1 14 4, I :,..74, 7,7 I Vs. to 1 te4 ea.
41 Zel 17.1' 1 1,14. .,01 1:17 F. 111 41 A I. 14, 1:2 14.1 I Pole 4 tot law, 1 1.11 S''ark 2,4 171 14.1 I''''i I eft Teo). n.
i 1 Bryant Reelected by 232 Votes Henry H. Faxon Was Sorely Disappointed. QUINCY'. 2In one of the hottest monleiral f1ebi4 ever aitnerse I In this city 51 aas retr.lay I a phorality of 232. an of 71 rover 3 year ago.
hen tle ran as an in i3o.orge II. Wft4ton. democrat. 4evelo; el more totrength than hls oppootionti were willing to give him credit for. carrYing voarols 2.
3 arhl 1. lin a total vote of altrie oyor Itryant earrioI I. 5 aria 4. a ith a total vote of ()f; of the lutes of the election t.10 the of tne vote of the t-oHalhas in coroparhoon ith the vote east for tho-ir for tat tit. Plate eh eit.00L Alit -to the campaign lo14 Leen stirrritonooy time the eieetion today aais of the liveliest.
Persona-titles ere Inn hy the. of b11 8o4 free In woo eases were narrowly nverte-4. The pollee sere called from the election hoot to to quo-11 MAYORS 14 )4, A A s- 4. 4 A la, I- 4 L. It i.
(-- 2 Ifl s'4s-14r: 1. '1 $.,. 411, 1' I It A IP bee NI 1r IP r--4 tr.31,...,,,!c.,,4',..751t -4, -L -4 4. Y. .1..
7 1 sk, ,4. 4, It- 1 11P .1 It- 4 '''''tt- 4-- 4r 4''' 1 1 teL 1 lip ki 7, ,0" del, i A 191 i 1 to 1 In 113 In -3 I sm 4tot. 1,...111 ct It Mal lt :.11 1)21 241 Ton 1 tit 1.11; lo tot toe), 143 I let el' th I. No ELECTED Continued front the rtrat Page. 602 majority.
VA less than TIt year. The city 1 tent no license by eel. The police awl permanent firemen's ttnure of Moe 1111 as,...4 cd. 1i: and he eitatt-hour Nil was accepted. L1615 to 1)4.
I.Valtham reelected Mayor Clement by MT plurality and Med -no by The two socialist candidates for allermen 14.1 and bot both or vie ctien. BROCKTON. 1 Socialists Elected Mayor, Three Aldermen Eight Councilmen and 1 Two to School Board. Ettut.11 toN. exret-tm irtig ha rene4 nod the rociPlits hive car- rte1 the rizy.
electing ma)or. thrr atlermcn. and two rot trtervi of the sch tol committee. Ths lertn.lnie hoar' will it ive three 1 114 three republienns ant orie nm, In the c-mmott council tnere pill he nine teouNteans. 'cIaIl't tinI four The, sciNt.tUsts tlecie4 all thfir canciteatcs In ward; 3 at1-1 all lett Ones in wtrtl 3.
The republi IP) 1 IP 1 I 1 4:11) ,4 t- .7 4.4.., 4 .1, No 1 7 11. a i 4, ot it rtt elm war14 1. 2 felt- pit qwt bv the watr.t 4. rs rh. R.
terut by two Yotrzt. whica nevest.ttates a rd-ottnt. TOR 0 Wards- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ttte re1104 fl 7.e.71 54.1 5201:141 279 41 541 32e7 111G 0'1 74 74 leis 113 .2 Z. Xizt 11 4,1 777 .74.1 711 711 717 4 '017 C.matto--es, plaraioy. I look 1111-FNSIF: 40,1 $Ze 44 471 Ir1 W.1 414 347 74 tci.0a aza1 14IL A1.1.114111:; Wand 1 Want 5 I.
1-ak 1W 11 '1a1 Rai '2Isse 2 asi niLs. Wanl 6 $11.1 A Rmirrr 11 741 I. A-tame 11 1.1bpoUr I 116 1.. 12416- I It 3 rhE140 11 unrI I tb441, .70 ft, 1:'.01Aill.,..:s11 1121,1 4 W.eloo 412 "-se tE lb A 1-n111141N in! 1 Wan 3 eER 'W. A 11.sst rtanlb 1 11 2.01 1W-eb 1.1 i 14, Moo Nr Ir4.t 37,0 011 titre1 623 11 -4 tit 1 1r i 11,1 1 War," 2 1.
31, ti PIUttltt R. 5.1 If -Urn II 1A ft L0'-1 I 30.11, 11 6 3.:1 11 til Z.41 L.1.,1, No :43 11 ra-148 S. 6N A 1 istrk 11 3 'I 10004,0 10 1: 1- 11 11 11 10 1111 tT 1. Lart'l 14 7.019 Want 11 It 1E, s.e 1. 4- 0iiasee.a ,7 10 414.eb.ab 517,e-erstr 11 IP.
ant 7 141 )1 14, SI, 4700 to1 r1k 4 Ti' I. 1-Irelay Vs 11 11 I. 1 114 II iii4014 4.. U. Ve1446 11 Itbelant 4 it 1.
Pasr It 12 312 11 II 1- sawilmoir 44k3 11 11 AlrrV'ry 10.. 517' A rprkins A WaLsa SCII0OL COMMITTEr. Wards-1 2 3 4 5 A 7 TO I Altrbed tbA 1:2 s3 20i7 Eat 125 113.3 JP 14 3-44 324 6,2 344 4.:0 4I 2.. 1A1A116S.11.4 34S 616 32 415 7ftkr; 414 27N-A toLErtfatabrr 1,1, IL. oral "41 316 2,108 411 544 :1101 EW Clark II 447 :44 1:44 '0 402 27741 4,1 144 I 3 2.1 14, 1IN 11,41 11W 272 0,02 324 371 4,6 372 HE K.
It ..3.,15 41 lerte 274 ate .5,07 11.111,etivit'dikpoi 171 72 1 4,2 132 1s6 31 2:6 162 14 11:26 Candidata E1.4,440,1. HAVERHILL. Socialists Defeated. Watson. Winning Out by 14VotesRecount to be Made at Once.
Dec 2The today was marked by the hottest tight f3r the mayoralty that has ever been waged In this city ritviltimx In the repubticans electing lienri IL Wats Xl by 14 plurality. The restitt was no sooner known than the sociahsts prparc I fr a recount. wh1eh Iayor John C. Chase sail his viceill The alga was the most reertst.tig eVtst on in this tity doing ail tho alive work with daily rallies. whiie the democrats hhool thtir contest bv newspaper pd.
tertb irg The reruhl-irans were tnp elosing viler tin effort was made to whip the party into line. T.C.I! activity resulted In bringing r4ick mtny wh) to vote for Charles N. ICAkily the chrtuteratic candidate. as theY feared a hvision of thp party would elect Ex-Aidcrman Keilv ran ahead it his tb-ket re--eiviog many republican vot.c. a tta- papportel Vatson.
Through this clivisi-n came within 14 voter of be'-nz ieete I he lea ling his soctatist ticket by and reeeitAnc three kss voies he ref ivel a year rico. avber the reeisit beeame known pal I that virile at the amall teeeivel. 1.ellev.-1 that the a I 1 -1 repat.iteu no that ry tretti rot effort to whcri other candidates were in the 0'41. ttardilate Keltv declined to he interviewed. although he admitted that ho Iva.
tit, kapvlinte.1 Itt the votp hp p.reicp.i. Ex-Al lerman Flanlrs also rpfuse4 queted. ant at tho meeting which An heti by the S.1.4-131tst.a he deelared that he wnijI 'Pot actith accept the part) nomination tor rool.or. In the elty government the republican ccraln control. having e1eett their entire aiderntanic ticket.
and the democrats and sooialists retaining their courcilmen av-irds 3 and 5. In ward 3 the toslalists camp wiltin two votes of electint; a third councilman. on 'hp lief.ese onettion the majority was filI. against last year. ItAY011 Wat.1-1 2 a 4 5 8 7 Ttls Perry V.
A 9 to A I. ran.leraS 177 Vat 279 tis7 344 2141 Kens 14 132 Pet t--t44 434 211 143 sit wstsoa it 213 23 124 271 to2 5,4 Wataen plurality. 14. 11.1e-rNsr: Yea 29t 27A 7173 1017 fIrri site stye; No 2ot 3110 I tS majority for license. st3.
A1.14171MEN vault I. Malta D. SA 92 Ito let 174 3:13 129 Irkto .1 I L. '4 2 12 7 -to Is te. II tb.
halm. S. Iti2 A.6 2:12 rn2 111.3rAiLi; 143 1.4i5 CV 4:04 2tat1 1 1: i 1 ,,1,.671., 6 ot ter AN if ti.e lArain. nerve toupcs op 'rho Lipari. pores malaria.
scup aml low fPrors of any kind: fortills the system SACaiust 'disease germs and life. Cully's PdI8 Malt Whiskey tbe only medicinal whiskey which has tooel the tel.r for fifty years. and always found alvelutely pure and free (ram fusel oil- It medicinal pr9sertles found In no otber littery's Pure Malt WhiAkey has cured millkoa of eases In tbe last rat years It is I over 7coti and used aelusively 2.4aso prominent Caution. hen hu, IVig DolTy's I'ore Malt Whiskey- he sure lb-011 Wee the genttoe. I noscrupoloirs deniers.
mindful of the excellenee of this preparation. vs III try to sell Iron eheop Imitations and sio-called Nisi( Whiskey salluiffinik-s. are put on the mnrket for profit rental relies-now the stick. nay. Rosana-els- itactettul.
Demonist' and be miner you gra Al. It in the tonic absolutely 'sure malt vvitinkey which contains metticinni. henithettivinsr qunittless. isok for the trnde-mnrk. The Old Chemist." On our label.
Tbe genuine at all and ameors or direet, Lob a bottle. It Is the only whiskey reeornized by the Government a att.dieloo. Ttas la a iplarontee. Valual.le medical ho.M.-t cotaairtne and treatiment ct diwar- an.I tootiroontals swat foot. to any Itoason Gk.t.e wilt write.
Daily Malt Whiskey Clompany. liorbenter N. T. NEW LITERATURE. Mrs Amelia E.
Barr has written three btories which include just about a eentury of life in New York city. The Lew of Orange Ribbon and The Maid of Maiden Lane were printed first; now Tile Song of a Single Note Mead Co. New Tork), is a fitting addition to this ti(tfon-trial This story relatiii to the Di 'Watt occupation of the metropolis- Love in one of the most romantic phases and war in its most pfrturesque guise are features in via. unfolding of this world-famous author's newest volume. Miss Carolyn Wells is a name to eon.
jure with, and the instant that 'whimsical lady's "Nonsense Anthology" (Scribner's. New 'fork). was announced neePle know there was something worth whileonthe way. People said "Anything bearing her name is always delightful." but the surprise and to some a certain disappointment will come when it is discovered that ber evident genius is in this instance displayed only in the matter of compilation and selection front delightful source like Lewis Carroll and his "Silthy Toves." Eugene Field are! his "Pinky Bird." Swinburne'a "Ileptalcgia." W. S.
Gilbert. Edisard Lear. Holmes. Stevenson. Genet Burgess.
Bret ilarte. Wliteomh Riley. Oliver lierford and Peter Newell are represented in an extremely entertaining volume. Boston: Damrell. Gilbert Parker's story of the times of Pontiac.
The Lane That Had No Turning" (Doubleday. Page dti. Co. New lork). has been pronounced the best thia versatile author has ever written; and an "edition de luxe" of it Will a great multitude of readers its lengzh Is much less than that of the USUfli novel.
but. amplified by the delightful art of Frank E. It las been made with ItS 10 full-paae tinted elates. Its heal pieces and finials. its decorative cover and lining panels.
one of tne prettiest gift books in existence. it met with great success when first published, aed its new form insures its widest popularity. Janet Mackenzie Hills name has long been associated with the very best culinary skill through her authoritative articles on the subject in popular periodicals. She h.ts long had in the process of making a complete and comprehensive "manual of -food preparation." and tne bit new volume now issued is literaily a liberal education in approved cookery. Ws title is "Practical Cooking and Serving aktubieday.
Page ec Co. New York). and about everything that a progressive cook needs to know is included in its beautifully printed pages. colorer' and half-tone illustrations. embracing tables for every sort of meal, utensiis of all kinds.
fi-stal decorations. dishes ready for serving. It is for both novice St fl a expert. ftpr both tel and feeder, for the tilled and the hungry: and everyboly should have one in the home. lir 0 1.
I 13 TABLETS 2 are an effective, but gentle, laxative; therefore an immediately perceptible effect upon the bowels must. not be expected from them. Therein lies their great merit. QUICK ACTION MEANS VIOLCNT ACTION A violent medicine is sometimes necessary, but it is a necessary evil. Never Forgot that 1 N- 0 TAB ARC Nor A CATHARTIC I 30 Tablet, 25 Cents What Shall We Havefor Dessert? This question arises in the family every day.
Let us answer it today. Try 1 CI It? 4C tri. ill .2.41 g- c'' oA :1 1 -1' 1 1 i s. N.411'64';.141-5-...":77"11:1-1711 11) I cl Pi fir afi7 (01 sr is r4 A Sk: ItT I. I.
It Ward I. 1: Atolrens 111 11 Parrott. DR. r(NINIt)S waol I Ward 5 Itnt. A Clagv, lb Eraikk tW 1 lark 11 43.1 Ha.
It III. LI Th h.1aqi AV I It I VI NI lit .1 I I 4.1111.,,,,. ft. 145 IC II 11 482 I. sr lit tit 1 tVard 6 1t.nt..f, ttt-' 1, 11 nrttatt I 14 IVarI 2 1NI Itann It 212 1.11 NI 16-21 A I.
Italetr ZR. 1211 cooky I I rrrsa Lino NI A II 1714 A la. r. .1 177! 31fidlitl-n 1I 177 11 lit wtima 7.4 II Nia.idis I It 10 Its-Pol I. 'WO 11 slb-beb 1 it 1.1; i 72 7 3 a 4 I Jr Wobor 10-114 it 147 tE Ilonzlog I.
Jl.tjne.c 179 Nit.r,-!!ntot A I Ist I A I tW 11 I.inI Jr It.1.00 IA to 24.1,..r.,Lant 111.2o111Win II SaltilNit IL 1411, WarIl Wa 4 1 Itraa II: 124 It l'Iorithir I INnvoll ILI 74 11 lit11 11 lit i NI Jr II It IT III A 11.179 44 rarbotba It 11 A II Stubbbn 8 Wlitr 'Waldron IC-159 es tPs ItJr I STOLE FROM THE MAILS. i Charles H. Webster, a South End Letter Carrier, Admits GuiltEm. ployed in Postal District 18 Years. Charles IL NVelekter.
for le years one of the most trusted tmpleyes in the Ileston postai district, was arrested yeSterilay morning for purloining letters containing money at Station A or South End brain h. The arrest was made by Postoffice Inspectors Snow and MacMillan of the central office. and Webster. when called to account broke dean and admitted hie guilt. The accueed Is about rears old.
litaolls more than 6 feet in flight. and aitli his long Hark whiskers elightly tinged a tth gray pris.t.ts a minieterial eppearaince. lie has a wife and lives at ilaiesisek St. liorchester. where he has enjoyed the respect of a large circle of frielids.
lie was atxiiit the last man HI the employ of the plstoiliee one would have tkIsuorteI of sLshotiesty. It apts.di-6 thet ler senile 'line various conet rue and citizens of the South End poeiel heve reeorted that they noseed ietters containing money. Tne enieet made a move Monday which troucht the eulyrit into their net. Letters sent to the Castle-so theatre were usually for tickets. and in them invoriabiy was Inclosed an envelope hearing this address of the writer and intended ter the mailing of the tickets ordered.
The writers of these letters. howeer. rectived back the addressed envelope with the letter ordering tickets. but minue tickets and the money that bad bet forwarded rour decoy letters were mailed by the and were intended for delivery at the Casale-eft theatre in the first mail yeeterdAy. an letter Contained an order ter tickets.
the necessary money in the form of a marked bill. as well as envelope bearing the address of the "sender." Three of these were duly delivered on time. but the one for. starded from Malden and containing SI wa miseing. Inspeetore Snow and MacMillan found that Webster had delivered the three letters received.
and so thought that he could throw some light on the whereabouts of the fourth. They made 'mete to station A. and there proceeded to interregate and seareh Lim. In his registry book the officers found the envelope which they had Inclosed iti the letter mailed by them from There tag nu, money in it. hut later Vir marked dellar was taken from Volcstere vest pocio t.
Then Vebster broke down and admitted his guilt. lie ale made other inrellant adnnsaiena which tend to clear up the eceret of other stray letters toldressed to people on routes of carriers wilt) naturally have been watched by the inetesctors. Ile managed to hold of eueh lettere while engheed in the work of sorting in the Among them was one ad1iroetee4 to a 'lector named Davis. and contain-Inc a (diet K. Velister claims that after taking this letter he deetroyed the chock.
Duriror the forenoon Webster wan arraign-a-I before I' Commeezioner Fieke Hit I ob ale. guilty to stealing from the mane. As case was beyond the jurisdiction of the tMTIMiFS10116-t. be was held in elm ties of for the December term el the grand jury. IN NEED OF FUNDS.
Georgia Cayvan at the End of Her Resources. and Benefit Will Given in New York. NEW YORK. flee 2Announeement was mole utility that Georgia Cayvan. who was lenlinc lalY at the Lyceum theAtte and who is now in a sanitarium.
a of come to the eni of ht-r resources an.I that a benefit performance is to be fr her. se. that she may be able lo live in comfort. l'r her. so that she may be able live in crymtnrt.
GEOlIGIA CATVAN. tier Reennrees are Exhaunted and a Benenz Will be Given for lier In New Tcek in January. The hnefit will be given on the second Tii sialy in January. A 1411 for the to.rformartee will he arranked by Daniel Frohman to inciule many of the prominent attractions riow in New York. y't Ti "..9 '711- -r 11" .41 A A.
A. Ao A itA A 17 4 11 .1: A Is. A f'rr edo, ItAYroll HENRY C. HALLETT, In Northampton. TOR RICHARD E.
WATER, Ceetected lm Tauntt.n. It RRY 111 stsselv linky-mr oNt W.Ir41 4 44- 11-eart :412 Et; 7:04 4'4'1 41N 27411 I. 11-44. 14 "41 I. 1:41 1:4:: 144 :1 141.4 1141 151 S.1 241 Iro 21--7 5 31 131 37,1 1 7,14 411 1444,11.
I. 1 4 27 1,4 9 76 I 17-1 :16 :44 tin I. 6.9 75 1144 441 1:42 262 1:4 IPA) Vt Awl el INI eit'lq1j R.244 1171 141 3761 S461 7.00 47.1 .1 It Ihil 1Z it. Vet lea( 1:65 11160 II 2101 2,37 216..1, Ward 1 11.kan 111. 4 1441 14 141 24 112 P31 to; IIornr4)11 :172 12 174 l'144 41 4.3 t.2.; 3606 2701 -(011.
(-60NIN100N 1 I Nord 4 14 11,411 rr coft-T V. V. 111:1 13 I I' 14 1 I It Is (II It 1A41 It (662 A 41 411- 1,...137 A NI I. WtIttan. Uoroi NVPI 2 A 11 te7N mot 111, NI 0 iVI It, .363 A V.
'14 tI; 11....301 1 10 Vitt.1 1 4,5 411 It 11,4 1-r E117411 144 ,.4,1 3 to; tr rt IIIh-1'k it NI 4. It I. Woirvl A I. Itn.nn 2r6-1 lei 11 1o 1.r to 1114 OS VI. 4(11 A 2:41 strvimt it liS to -illtti 1491 1 11 NI t'ir I toot.1n it 1'11 it INti 0.0.1rSiri NI 4 1Atini IT Ft.k.
20,3 66Var 3 10 II 10-273 01: 11 0-- rt. ,1 16, Ni. T.r I.T It It r.11 Antot, Ito S. 10 31,100,: 1' it 4140 110; N911.1.1 Leto rset f61. A it, 1,..
rt, I sz, ell IR it vr; I F. 01 IVO meet 3 to; eti ri ,::::4 1 tr I. rtth-i-k 1: ,174 11; NI 4 07oIt l'; i ll le. tir.t,le,l It. I re I I .14: A I.
V.n.tyn .1 2ri-I, 1.I II (II Ceellemit 11 I tO7 I14r to I 4 0 14 Um. Ell! ir A 2 WALTHAM. Mayor Clement Reelected by 1367 PluralitySocialists Polled 643 and 20 for Aldermen. 1.1 II :1. 2 Mayor Murray Cli nio rt viol reeteele-1 tolav by 11'4' 1.1111-,111.
all I the notiorloy neto.n9., n-r bY2. la 1 Alt1rrrn-n Ntarlin V. Cars tnry. tlem, w.ta, Wall tied the lath Clue. dIth.nte,li a I mole asointot him.
Loot he tont Out 1.14 negrest republican ot rAn hervi nt. ltich teetttiono to his I. tootiari: o. In to a It rnbort Frain 11 Se3ta cltd Grattt were the winners In a tivir 1 mxtt. te P.1:11!! trtvalle In ward 4 a itt.c tne r-pabl Ica candi la tes.
S.imttol en I John II are). sere Nfr Marcy rur nine ai-tad tot tl-e rest or the tieket. 1 Ile eurprime Itl reeetveit Ernest C. Irish nt loutl I Talbot. I tarat Itormoon-s(horizo.
IP tar 14 I an I 6. Yi IgIsh ct t.I till and Mr cet rat, S. I ehil ro. to -lectio 1 to the schnOl r. 1,.
force Tbere wni tto five, non- noember4 in so kt vo ott's too-vont oar al o-nnnen. 11-1' Kirvo in 2 Jah IL est ward 4. rt." 5 nni NValotroon 1. an I Ihri.9,on Moyhoof rept I troo NIAVtort War, -1 2 3 4 5 7 Too 2Io's 472 nt3 17ot 2-621 31)Kottor 1 1t4 I I I i.e' :04 9 l'x es rns I- 49 t. 32 I as rfortionts ullratitr I'oet 217 17,4 319 :14 17.7 114 2.19 :177 :01) ZZ, abrtlingt lice1r4e A1-1)E101KNATLAIIGE Inor.1 I polroNrigIzt 11.401 27,03 13 319 424 11 144 1..
el ,40, i 1 A I ..1 A 1 i 1 'k I. l' -1, it I -41 1- t-: 4 1 4t to 1 1-'1 $1, -k -lc disturhuns-e In rtr lin the cor- ridor of city hall tonight. after tho re- tot na had Nen art 44444 Med. there was a mitup for a few rilflUiPli V.hich tleees sitated the pollee taking a The detnocrats 1. it gain Pt one In the council.
and will have four runnbtrs in that next year. Ex-Coun. U. mnn J. Frank Cleverly won at by four aolts In ward 2.
and tot one of the demoer Alio rand't etun, it in ward I. proved his poruiarity by coming within thrre votes of being elected in a strong repubit'an ward, In both of these wards there will be re- tintn. The fears of the temperance Norte that a determine I effort would be mdde, to saving the city into the license col were tot retina4. The majortry tte-lietrate was decreas, of 30 (tont last year. Th14.
hou ever. In 11.4 re4 A ion it I rwar! rtIn telt we re added ot he aoling year. lite majority cl against in award .72 was the lot ItY 1.c ITteri Pg3inI lieetete in any ono ward. tine of the in the aeTtoot voto was the big makjoetty rertied In 141vor of su want 4, tS Int. trt .11 the ILA.
Pet ItY 4'4 yr Pg3inI Ill II nY one ward. tone rlf the In the lit4e thee Mr nt.o,rtty In 1411-nr of In want 4, I I 4 4 4 I 411 I In come.or I.r 964 lif.I sit 1,,,, Jante4 II. Ctritret.III.. tho flemn- 4. 4-371 ti Lite Il.
ChimeXL the -raft, eft Lite. NIpt Turn.r. 1A- I the vete loanItett pin In 1.1,1 1, In the rIr ene" fro.rn the Itoti-A. It. tIornocrat.
$UIII. fl Lia nt, in the for cornrattee. I releti- J. Pewee t.ot 11-in8t1nnl. awl Pecured at t.ttel vote 4:2.
Inc of MO moot onrely the eitv If. nntet('i, tor nearly a year. Ile 1114 tea feel ot.0 an)IltItlit for eortlf tt lleav trtAt h1-I it I Ven the Ientocrato nunele tor beer, 04 ung charited Itr 1--dotors eabl he emitritnitel nrevnev vieenner.stle eltatetts.a ran-I hat Ith the oarlA ant ttn Ibluors tohntli I be boagtzt It, V1.1A1 2 3 4 Inrarti It T2 214 2.4 3A1 Itt-tuerd. S-. 21 77 rot it :121 4311 43 litynnt's 11.1110i.r.
11 T04 31, 2 61 4,4 2,1 I1 i Yes VA4 ru tin 21 tql 410 349 4 47 4'44; :14 :14 MnYrity actimIt 'teens. 114 AND THE VOTE 1902--. MAJORITY. YES. NO.
nil 126 Neal- VOTE. sties. YES. NO. 11C3 793 63 14 1119 117 1983 78 111 232 1266 CO2 13E7 3475 2243 2270 3397 55E5 1E04 EC85 1418 2248 1345 E414 2013 1577 448S 2375 1672 2554 3153 953 266 1370 1803 2504 2357 1812 2269 L93 843 2432 CE4 2819 328 439 2457 12C6 CITIES.
MAYORS ELECTED. Ent(KICH (harks H. Coul'ers Ch2rIcs H. Eloal, I COUCESTER Ines E. Tolmm I MEDIU.
Henri R. Watson, LAWR1NCE Milder L. Grant WARM Wu B. Worse, 1EW EECFER0 Charles S. khky.
I. litHIHAMPICII Henry C. HEM Prrrsnao Erry O. SSson. QUINCY Cares M.
Dian', Esarelt I Stone, TWITCH chard E. Warts WALTHAM tturral SSA 2 War 2 A 4trit.tter 212 2ns S112 2tel twhtemb il 36-I') 111 MT 4:7 :..13 142 REELECTED. pared in two minutes. No boiling! no and healthful des, a totrl.q..n11.6 :01 7. I wart 3 Gmiti ID el 7: 1:17 76 Mt 4 112 lA4 11 11 De.AaTtli:::TRA8.1ti!!: T.
rT il csahaecn 1 a hen9r.seeretary the me delicious cert. Pre- bakitg! add boiling water and set to 1 Trirmlm D.21)4 11r. vat 4 249 Ti III3 society of the slu*thern It'iptli tool. FlavorsiLcmon. Orange, 3 i 1- i At .1, I 11 2.e.
itct 2...,1 411.1 12. church. an-I one the best-knomn I. 5 a 23 a la Ward 4 Raspberry and Strawberry. Get a svt Trmi.4 a 24,, 2011e t.72 724 445 2qmtit in the aouth.
died Ihre tuday I package at your grocers' today. 10 eta. 14.1 -is n-rt oto 2.4) 2077 11.2101 227 142 24. 2A111141 Ill 20,14 at an advanced age. A Wingate 1,.
63- 63' 131 lug S23 1-. lash 03 43 131 110 58 84 13,3 643 -t 1 3 A lInt.tler 21? S42 3-1 21r olosriet-s 171 :01 4, ID et 75 E7 6 Ica 2:04 lir StAt U.11.,1 3 JW I. 5 8 23 Vi II 9 Kt tW TrINI.1 41 2.1 572 734 44: Tsui weiouer s.144 h5 2ar $te St5 2o A Wingate Lt. C.3 ea tte 813 ita IVO S23 Warl toolitemb 17.260 IT 427 :o.19 Ipt 2:71 Want TrIrmlm 14.2,a4 teat 2ort 1113 1.lsokoon It 11 2a4o 193 414 ft 121 Ward 4 lbnyolitoto 227 143 39 ZAS tit 117 L9oo4 Irish 03 43 131 110 38 64 133 4.4.4 1 REELECTED. Death of Rev Dr Isaac T.
Tichenor. ATLANTA. Dec Dr Isaac T. Tit henorseerctary env-lituset the Home society of the Southern Baptist church. awl one el the best-knonn eltrqymen in the south died thre today at an advanced age.
a delicious and healthful dessert Prepared in two minutes. No boiling! no bakitg! add boiling water and set to cool. Orange, Raspberry and Strawberry. Get a i package at your grocers' today. 10 eta.