Cheshire Observer from Chester, Cheshire, England (2024)

REPAID ADVERTIsem*nTB.I su POLLOWIIIIII onnor-- Has so Ler, ZOOM WANTILD IA IN Lae, browwwwwi Illowasooss AC ANT. Lear WAr. Animas To sa Sow. us now warred is Oilawoor waft twilowlaw Nor MINTY WORDS Owl Isvurrios 1. Two INSISTIONI Tawas 'minivans Rt.

FaCIRDING TWZNTT WORDS, BUT NOT EXOTADINO 'faun-Fivs Wo ON. INUATION Two lsssartoms lkszwriosa WANTED. PAGE HOY. aged about Oity Ohtb, Mester. as Ariatant.

3 -A Jon" 39, Btook-Ozest, fir. WANTED. DINQHY, is good oseddico, le to 12 fees pnee toodetste all 71, Observer US Cbester. grO OD GINERAL, tor mimic out; most be able to Odloe Clarete. 1114:587 'WANTED.

GIRL as learner; atm just left sobbol The Mester. 1491 AILY NURSE, WANTED, for sod of Jove, tor of wo ogb Grew Chester. 1524 Snort YOUNG for Saturdays. Sd. Bosom.

BA Chester, 4 o'oiook prompt. 1517 WitiN WANTED; esparimood; was oudenteaml Jemmy Agyj Osposieni, Obersar. wANTED, wow Tersiesed ar thawmislead, Italia 5i1r42444-bai ate 28, Observer Odes, Obeeter. 1212711LAL BIR bl wT tospnWe). up 16 to 39 Moo Staab.

Airier. 'ANTILD. natives Country 111.14 16 to 18 won of ego Mn. Braitt, Ossoffil'a Quay. 1666 ea APYREN.

TICS for Sbovroom and and Board, Northgate-street, Dimoar. EC LVOKILEEPER or WANTED by middle-aced mL wbde or put time. Highest reference' and togiceonials. Apply Box X.Y.Z., Obterver Office, Crewe, OFFICE BOY, oho for nolywall sad Agent, 17, 1660 P. Chiliter.

WANTILD, maDerA Abe (UAL. ago 10; sea hove gold filomar; Otorryor Mos. lIITHUIt -11ISCHANIO Avarerteetted magi, able to ze merlon! Grove Hal, Ospeologea sear CIONIMOTIONERY (High -ohm). LADY or Improver. ter Whims hreNeshah Aberit hOLLDIATZLY.

000 NI lo le; to Iloomosido. i ll Oomosid lisooshi, sad roma Registry, While Olkoolor. WANTED, by experienced Laundress, goad Family's WASHING; good drying Imn chwAf ie country 74. Magner UI4G Gout REQUIRES BEDROOM with um at tilaide-room, also good board. 47, Ober' Moe, 1147 Lodi politica GOPPINMOIS a wierboushood of Chester, itaidtoot or Doily.

hooch, Pi 11310 and TA, Mom, Olooslor. GOOK. immediately; knowleolgo III! profaned fn miles from 011438 worm 5A Moo, OLoolor. 1041 GIRL for Deek, fair of Book4usepiag osereeser. store ego espreiesoa Warm Meivager, Cooperative Societe, Cheerer.

ANTED, Wong. respecested GIRL es ecullsrPolled era ragmen Kn. Graham. EAITOROWIS. 1517 HOULWALLID WANTYI).

alo Pahlla lawatolion is Obesins; canary girl paddarred. Wages LW a nes sad board 0. Obaraw Orrae. "WriNTED 6o BUT good wool at LENT-011P CLOTHES. oe would ezabisago Willow Nauru 0.

Otworvor 0E46, Crowe. NBERVATIVB CLUB. ORCWR. riO WANTED. BILLIARD MARKER for above (dab.

TN i sb. pososally Indy mOt Inaaisa 8 sad S. Tall MIRLDAVIES will have VIKSIXII4IIII for Two PUHA to learn Sloorthaad, Typo. writing, Book-keeping, individual Initial; to conmenos 26th. Moderate Ottikers, 83, queen's-avenue, Chester.

IVANTED, small furntsliscl country COTTAGE, neat Chaster, or within essy rescb of Liverpool; for hire for six months or loo Hamilton 3, lime, 0 or Nosse-Cni Hoonekeepar, requirei SITUATION. domesticated. bigheat Sergeakk cars 04 Mimi Edwards, Siationer, row islwainsk Oboetor. J. MIN REQUIRED se Amtaia, by leading lasersace Odoa wbole or pan alga Lama is EA Book far Sala.

lb tams Onisrame Tar rad, Oratar. Required, to ala Wag be people and banality; DO ebikiren; with widow Particleleaa el 15e, Oinareer Mee, Owsier. 1564 welko-do lady or maarrical couple (Boman Catholic) to Adopt, galaaut payment. goodilionng and inflations Nib DOY. oitod 1 'tom OKAY to Whiae.

Poor Law Guardian, liolyvall, Wawa WANTED, GROOM. not under 30 (third in silage), for gentleman's retabliohniont in North Leionnshire wages 13 1 seek; live in by leiter only, givisurekresces, to J. Alleys. Miami, Corydon Aetna Office, Bomber Bridge, Preston. 1 UNIOIt CLERK uectuilLED as tiara ej keeper sad Mosekeeper good writing Ind arithmetic asential; typewriting a recomammidanon.

Salmi oommenos el par week spay in own bawriting to ortland Dement Denbighshire Cement Branch, Atone's. Htlintshire. usa mad RAILWAY TIOYETR al li ia prim il li ptl limes to arta of the world. near md far. Speoial Oby MO for O.W.R.

CLO.R., (N.C.C.), TOWN Cruises, Rscorsions, Picnic Arrangements, to. Emigration Office for Canada, Australia, Ac. Shipping of all baggage WRIGHT Paasenger, 'Meg MMOD Watergabstrees, EMIGRATION REPRESENTATIVE will conduct a EOIAL PARTY of SETTLERS THROUGH TO CANADA, leaving Liverpool July 26th, lky 02. E. steamer "Empress of Ireland." No okimpa beyond 10WOIN Ordinary Pares.

Canadian Uoseramant guarantees employment all Farm and Doesealio work. Settlers doming to join maLsioald regime immediately at the aloe of 000 SON, 49, eareet, Liverpool. ITANTED to PURCHASE any dam of Clotbiag, Turnitara and Boum. gem Bridgotr.M, Nation.

WANTRD TO KNOW 01.00 WU. 111.11R18, Wardrobe Isps lets s. Water Tweet-Tim sad is saw earrynz Ispiawr at 10, Waterma. ow oth nh). Pmal ai mtteNimtt 40 1'q -ca ws, Wawa se 0404 11) gin REGISTRY.

badd p. 11 0 WOES £3o to lo £10; Cbaka far and Liverpool, uuall Madam £24 to OnA-Gollonola. l6 to £24; GanacaJa for all £l4 to £22; Geed aod Under PoriourroaAa, £lll to £110; liooonnotd- a i 24; latgotastiet 416 1 0 26; god latundrymaid far isstilistiou, El Setausto4naida, £l2 to SA; thollsgmisidi. Norsollotassosicts £l4 to BIS; Hoed and Same Servants, weaker, Youth (16 am Kitaboomiside, fez (lanucala Berm MADAM Ekemensids. Gusaerak, to milk.

1566 WANTED 1111016 IMIT WANTED, Young Lab 91 MAY Ira Bodin Ikad. i riv Jaen, Unwise" 13 RAP Alie street How, Chester. Skirt allw Ms Jason, Arid street. Row, Clltoster. 1563 VIT AMMO, YOUNG LADY for Gent's Outfitting Obeli and Bon, Norihribesimk awry.

WANTED, YOUNG MAN is Clerk, to post troaomoa's book. old the out scaounte. 13 53. Marva. 0450 (Mortar.

UM WAN'TBD, by letly is brims. assisslabis APARTMENTS and Bosrd. Moderate terms. Near the Observer Office, Meow. 1561 st experienced First Rend, tam ammo Sidra Madame Hanky, Chester.

1567 TO BIC SOLD SITIMINORCA to Cook MC Oseliere4 Highborn Whitby, Choler. PVIL.KTS. in fall lay, OiiSALE, LURBT, owl to new au ii Eimer or mai Simplon, fie. rlO BB BOLD, gaol working HORSE, is all gas" 16 beads 60, server 01121, Cbsolsr. 111 SALE slikrserive PROPMILT! Io Upros Park, mar "nd Pritchar Mader.

SH sod CHIP RESTAURANT FOR SALE. quiet. 8 27, 'cur Office. Obseter. 1458 L'OR SALE.

Rthwoms HORSE HAY RARE, with feat, in parionet ceder. Cheap, Apply Herbs Secs, Queen's Park, (tester. VORSAI.E, REAPER MOWING YACIIINE ()seeker, Albion), in perfect working Oder. Cheep, Hughes Brew. Qween's Park, Cheater.

1556 HAY MOWICB. slow Good ao nem pwieot working 25, St, Weieurshotaoot (opposte Oadbookon. albsolor- Lsb9 FOR SALE, SLEEPERS. --Good Seaced-ismd Sleepers on SALE, suitable far all Benjamin Junes, Oaal Meschaat, Nortbgate Watson, Cheater. Telephone 854Y2.

1555 MILL FOR SALA guaranteed 160 stakes par week, with saes, patent sieve and 0 47, Obeerver MOD Chatter. 146' 4 BANY'S LONG GLOTHiII; OD piens ilk; worhoesly bleatife6 sew derifok perfect bOMMANieIk 1101 k. The Obese, Nearegliem. UNP FrOnmedteeiacecir FOR BALL I. Boat road particulars apply as Mr.

Allred B. Dye, lialscisor, a. 81. Jolusairess. Obsoftr.

RALE. 11013816, Pries's-arenue electric light, bath, hot sad mid oat, and all modern cooreniencam Vacant on sompletioe of 9, Queues-road. areller. 102 FA.TIIIi. Mt, Inch slide net complete; treadle, driving theft, two beery By amortment of neural dozen for wood end metal, Hill, oraz Cheerer.

1524 GARDEN NETTING (best tensed) for strawberry beds, fruit trees. tennis haw, to 2,2, 4. feed 6 yards wide ld. square mrd, earpaid (100 yards, 7s. 6d.4—List passim from B.

Tred! and Oa, Bening Work's. Bedminster, Bristol. VITALLPAPERB froze lad. per roll; say esistiry, lame ar wiederele priest Stock 50,000 rolls, all cures. for Stock elating ohms aired.

Dept. M. Barnett ria i oaempaay, 111111. "EIOR going einiosru, oldoetablished BU of BIKER, Grocer, La, corded on by George H. rodeo.

et 125 and 127. Wektb.rov, Unbar partieulers apply to Ideons. 0. IL Holliday, Incorporated Accountants, 4.l3fmk-skeet, Leeds; or Mews. Hensley, Whiteley Bevan, Solicitors, Nantwieb.

FSALZ, doubler-frourod HOUSE Woollens tvro tit- Warr wad four bedroom. lamina, haol kitoheu. poetry with half as were of roodqt Lad; ia Brett-law, ff Tarns Chalat. lauserliaie possawias. Apply 4, Brlceproad.

Gardso-Lsoo, Cheater. YOR SALE BY PRIVATE 'fRISATY. STORYN HALL. sear HOLY WELL. TBDabove charming COUNTRY BMIENCH (freehold), to delightfully situated on high ground, commanding ulageitioent meocape and landscape views.

sad overlooking the Dee and alieliiire Pr111211U1S: The Grounds are beautifully laid oet, and sustain Vineries and Greenhouses laud may also be bed if regaled. foe farther particulars, apply to Mr. W. E. Lloyd.

rive, Liverpool. from best miss promeed by Tswana inpsaially Mod for lying; one lasing laid 213 eggs bitwsoa 21st Doh and Nov. last. one pullet laid 115 eggs from 11th Oot. to nth Arad.

Breeds PHlyumgo and amend Lae boom nd Whit. Wynadcatos Houdaoa, Birk ILianzesa, Amman and Rhode bland Hada as. Oa and Ta 6d. mob. Yagge for minima to.

end La yes dam; outsides rspisced OOPS Este izaablaarc 20e. 100, and 10a. 60. Chicks, to alder, U. and each Swazis eolisited.

Agent for Rosa ircetarmodiam Poultry Houma. Appliances, and Baraa Impeeties Bend. Highdaa UtiJitj Pcmitay, Rail" amain. MIBCELLLNKO 8. IRONMONGIRT, IXL Meat Ilnecensoss.

a r. ROM Ikn Try ray Gun Uass. 3 yards U. 114,013. 15, Lower Obeadsr, and linds-strees.

Mold. WYATIOL sad Boxers of Furniture, to Good dry Wester. 1464 NI ADAMI LOILAINS. Idoesialiet in Ilainebe, Crailsildnal i IrWeeteirgb-strent, fir. IWAMBULA2O IIS from lea ngrentrOn All cerrities if.

Plowmen. lorsaager, i Messer. (ILL WANTHD, way for cash (wringers resollereti, dna Madams podi prim. Fraaciastraes. 1111111 RE Itli-UPHOLSTIMILD.

Had.o dins saarde, 0. Taylue, S. Albans. awl 11744 Uniloll Hall, Oboist. Charges siodarate.

141 all laded hiring ki Work exeoueed.pp. tor IL ILesoreley, leirrkese. Ka. Upper Nortligalearalt. 011eeeer.

WAIMING sad WRINGING MACH INKS. Goad cos ssara rallaw Madams firum Ma A how Warts, Daimaemmtnaa, Ousaar. MN NITTING, lboabos Yek mod Garden Toola bottom armee, at Wm. Clarke's, Tinplate Worker. 62 sad 66.

Frodaltion strcet, Mister. 9803 rp. W. am.aukt a sows tossers. Ma-4W Honda, and Tine, boast obtainable (6 Gold Idataln, at, William Jour', holism Clariter.

Q.4I.NITARY DUST BINS to liselth Conraitter's reizgleitaa size; ahrepeet, nod brat Alm llooasiold Repairs done on the Beertey. wee. 3146 DI3BT Dust Gum tdideraat qualities). Marne conform to the regulations of the (tenter Town Oatmeal GM year Duet Bios at J. E.

Gamey and Bon's. Ltd, 9, Order. SPAR URA YU, OILLPPINcici, Macadam, lacoaccona, ma, foe 61.1.2. Walks and Roskalisa Qacsniiona given to any matioo. Samples W.

KiUAI, Ooal amble" Chests. Tslasikooa 70. Stri EXTON Srdoia id and Omani LIMIA; also Walsh H. iteotations to any station; quantities ail Obasast Teed, pat ark Ill.ttkantltti tor all W. Killen.

Ooal Inabaucca, Chaatar. Telephone 70. 0072 RHAAWKItiIt Ons Hour. Prices la to 12a. bd.

All Repairs doom Usrapest Mop in Chassis. Saussinass mpairol and re4soversd. Silk lest 11mllas boss ka sash. Now lodide, Ossitarearie and Cluldsores Umbrellas tram td. to 30s.

Walking Midis from to 15a--T. H. 3, Bt Warbuighlins6 TEE OBSERVER, SATURDAY. JUNE 15, 1912. 112611 Why beep to my owl awe a 10 Woe.

when by dealing Ina ye you ere awe seorly Info bead ter ear haw hoe eetakipme sa sod compompour Allom Cheeky. S. KILARLE, I And Chester, Om the highest men for Gatti' sad Clakben's LIIPLOYB CLOTHING tad BOOTS. All lettere end pereels receive prompt attention Distance no town or country. 1411 Romoval SALE at our atm Oattia 4d.

Pedals la. wir Ogler Owen es. 6d. Oall age an its Pod Dyad, tt 21a. 6d.

1 Om pays Hand lot Hobble dad Otis 2e, Oity-road, Cbrier. 1502 IfarkiMstritsi, have beta obliged to enlarge their owing to inceinsed booms. They have sow much belay accommodation for Kew le's tam good stook of dotbiog and boots, now sad at reasonable prices: men's new mita from 5 cuts from 7s. men's and odd Wooten from 2a. 6d.

1411 TOBEIXr BROWN I 80N, LAND AND MerATX MALITNTORB 96, PEPIII39 STNNET, OS TO BN Onion Hall rogegate-streen ROOMS for and Wartabops. large house. "Diamond Ootesge." monthly, deer. 68, Gladstone-road. Offices.

White Friars (six rooms). E4O Btablnig, Pepper.street. Nieholae-street. 03. 39 Dee Bunke.

En Garden to the river. 14, ebieiesteraitreel. £26. 6, Lorne-street (with gerdeu). 32 10e.

Te-rie-road. £l9. Bath, MA Mom, 44, Tarrisvos4. £l9. "Brookside," Brook-lane.

645. Offices, Foregate street, three rooms. as. 173. Christletonvoed.

Bag saa 13, Brook.hne (with givedes). £36. 67, HcolounwS, with garden. NO. ERSSFORD ADAMS, LICENSED VALUER, ND, IMAM: INSURANUI AGENT, NAVIGATE MEET, Qli TO BE LET House, Lower Brook acreea WS.

Shop mid rooms oire. 35. Commodious Lock-up Shop. 22. Yard, imitable for Contractor.

C3O. House and Shop, Norchgateetreet. 013, Howe, Eaton-road. CC. Houle-road.

AN. .7, Hookeroad. C4O. Furnished House, Vicar's Cruse, 130 weekly. FOR SALE Hams, Hookimmd.

COO. Several Hoag, Twin-road. Beini-detached Villa. Cann. Semi-detached Villa.

£6Th. Heave Graavillorcad. WAKEFIELD, THORN ELY, LANI). INSURLNUI 16, 00BN EYCFLANUE OH A MBE TO BE LET Paradise Roy. 00.

rionslase's 813 hp, Watergate-street. VC; Watergawstrucc. Ctd Ogicas, Exchange Until bees Mom, Biablee, Paradise Row. 101 IN WILLIAMA CP LAND, ESTATE A I NBIII.ANCE 41014 T. 9.

St WERECItIai-STEkET, CHEST'S. Tr1.868r2. TO BE LET House sAd Shop, Chestor.roed, Selmer. Workshopor Warehouse, St. Mee-street.


MW RRS BROWN es Chester, publish monthly the largest and most important PROPHRTY BlPliltlfhlt in the district, containing particulars of the best residences and estates available in SHROPSHIRE, and NORTH WALEd. A special session is devoted to Suburban and Town Properties of the beet kind in caanza. Poet free on application. THR ILASTGATRZTRIZT, LIT, the Home, GRORGR J. AND DRAGON ROTI 4 Rimier, Wildenpool etoree Oreere.

INT, 10. BOLD aquatic, Two 600isx and Your Bedroom. Peak fkonar. liedurby, oft Caidassarrisigask Obeelor. rlio LIT, 11 Ilisfpaireett.

commodioas HOLUM inimedials posserice. namable Apply pracHeya. Bigisratews, Chewy. 112 TWO good Big-roomed HOUSECI. 24 and ID fa*g-tuae.

Crewe; ciao and gear duel im Bata Ge. of N. Booth. 3d. sad Ga.

Balm6d. Ikon Obeaer Oneea rixr, largo Untasoisied ROOM; it sequirad. Theses Ape. ik alum' Osatiark" Air. 11162 ABLE BED wad 82711240- with otteoclowoo; Moo soar General TT.

Obtortor Oaks, Clarter. BED and 81TTOLGIL, ROOM roguirod in good locality. State lawayt Immo Observer Offios, deader. NMI HOSTEL, 149. Foilostoo-rood, 1.

So to LIT or SOLD, this lugs sod commodious W. Wham, 141, Nsatmire-road, Onswe. rilo LET. DWELLING-HOUSE, No. 4, Abbey Square, with immediate pomeetios.

Rent, Mew. Barker, and Wickham, St. Wahines Cheatham, Cbestem INCB and VILLA. lama warden; alongside statiOn two away- Wein. four taxi.

baall, kitchoua Elton, Cheater. BEDROOM and for gentlemen, pretty country cottage, sir nines Chester, to nation good A 43, Observer Wire, Chester. lIAIR DR ESSE ICS SHOP TO LET, in thoroughfare; old estehlithed Lanes shop vary tont omens and wen tittedz Apply 45, ()Wormy Othes, Cheeter. irtOMEORTABLE APARTMENTS, with or board. All modern conveniences.

-4, Old Wrexham-mod, Overlaigh-roed, der. 1481 rip LIT. "LABURNUM OOTTABB" privets Ina. Dee Banks; tssuel ecismaisneak lams garden rant 22 per Wiseman, Albion Mills, Chester. trOMILY ArAirrml.Nrs for one or two btuinees ladies or otherwise in the house of a widow 65, Observer Offboe, Maker.

1487 1110 LET, comfortable BEDROOM (with use of aitting-room if required); no children or other lodgers; terms riIHEILLBTALL ISTABLZ, Orrard Shed, suitable, for motor games, wed good Yard. Noel Humphreys, Oki Dank Build hum Chester. 110 2 TO HOUSE. No. I.

Choy good 1 garden not Boehm. Wadding', IS. Obsobars, Chester. A PARTMINTS, soseral polities, sitting 11 room sod bedroom'. wrorrioff Eastgato.

suitable for business motkmen bath, so, la-11, Row (N 4. Obegiir. (110 WE LILT. HOUSE. 17.

blarburproad, Omar. coorg two enwrloraing-romos, four bedrooms bathroom wmor-houso 0. G. Haswell, Soak Stockton, 94, Forego's-sum', Cheater. VERY Comfortable APARTKIDITS TO LIT, contra, suitable for lady or gentleman, altar tram, girt.

largo and any rooms, all modern oonvemencea piano, good bath, AO children; terms 4, Oros. rector-play, Cluster. HPOSY TO Chuier, 'attaining two entertaining rooms, bedrooms, two kitob. pantry, wo ppm, ate. is szeellent condition and on tram roam Rent £l9.

10s. 9, Hunterewnes, Cluster. 139 AILEADUW BOLTON. TAREVELBIC, row tensing two five bathroom, kitchen, soldiery, usual oat whor* atablieg Foe tom ho*r. goad garden two sores grass land to view appl Um parity pomemion June Mb, WI, Apply Beery BUM" BMW.

Makes. 2580 WV. N. LI LET. with immediste poesdion, remi-detanhed BOU3E, situated within ew reach of the river and Eaton Park ornteuntes two reeeptioarooma.

Ave bedrooms. bmgme am and w.c., and othoes hot and mid imam and gas; smell front and back garden rest EN per Apply Brown (Cheater), LiAgalisearest, ftstitr. BEST GALVANISED ORRUGATED SHEETS TEL. IP 1. itidposia Nails, BOW.

Oarriise paid ea IA al THE ALYN GALVANIZING WOBU it OLD. interiors, wood, marble and ecisnisl, Nine ITOHIGN RANGio, swam Mantelpiece, tile Mirk" Kitebes Reeve. We make a speciality of these goods iasid Wive a lame and atook; inapockon Storrar's Sueoriece. Man amavim mongers, Chastar. EDUCATIONAL mLSS DAVIES'S Private Dalliana TRAINING SOHOOL, Nt, QITSEIRS.

AVENUE, OHR9TER, is open DAILY, for Junior and Senior PUPI LS, of either sex. The School, which wan established in May, places within the reach of all a thorough Business and Training. Each Pupil is taught INDIVIDUALLY, WS in schwa Daily Pupils are instructed in ALL Business and School Subjects (which holed. Shorthand, Typewriting, klookleeping. Arithmetic, Hand- I writing, for the one fee, and this ambles anyone to be quite reedy for an appotateetne as the moment it is vacant, and the position is not lust because the applicant bad NO knowledge of Shorthand, Ac.

Miss DAVIES'S teaching and eapaimee enables her to know erectly what each pupil requires. Prcepectan fres. TESSONS in FRENCH Conversation. LI se is dim Paramus-1i 77, Olisswer Ogee, Oisstsr. rISS SMALL 43.

Eaton road. Ototater. gives LESSONS in DBAWINU Ponitioi. and Work. Tama an application.

G.W.R. EXCJURSIO NEI. SATURDAY. June 92ad (tor 1,4, 6 or 8 days), and TUESDAY mid SATURDAY, Jana 96th and Nth (1, 3, 6 or 8 days), to LONDON (Latin- Britiala Exhibition), by the New MORT ROUTE Ohm Mr (depart), 6-16. Day Ears, Every TUESDAY and FRIDAY in JUNE.

combined RAIL and AUTOMOBILE DAY TOURS in SHAKESPEARE'S COUNTRY, from Cheater, Tickets, bills, pamphlets, obtainable at stations or G.W.H. Mon W. Essagateetrest, Chester. Any hillier particulars from Mr. H.

Hitchco*ck, G.W.H. Chester Station. PRANK POTTLR. General Massager. L.

R. Buomas Am) Pumsysig Ids" XCURSIONS FROM CIIESTKR To LONDON (Boston), MONDAY Jose 170. fa 1, 6 or 6 days; MIDNZSDAY, June 19th, for 1. 2, 4 or 6 days SATURDAY, Juno Vivi. far 1.

4, or 9 days TURSDAY, Jose 26115, for 1. 3,6 or 8 days. To WINDERMERE. THURSDAY. Jam DAY TRIP to lie LAVA COUNTRY.

Clisabw, a.m. him Retuning alB p.m. To BLACKPOOL (Central). SATURDAY, Joss 29th, DAY TRIP from CRIMTER, PORT, Ma. Chester deirtrt 6.40 a.m.

Falla Ellenmere Po 6.40 7. 6 7.10 FALII Retornia.g at 9-30 p.m. For further pee moll bWa. FRANK FLZE. loam Iliatioa, General Manager.


EXC EL LE NT HOTEL (under management of the L. Ry. Co.) UNGALOWN fcc Private Parties. GOLF LINER. b.

from ENGLAND viaHOLYHEAD. Express Trains and Fut Steamers. EXCURSIONS at frequent For Hotel Tariff apply to the Hotel, Co. Louth. For information reapectins the 'Make of Bungalow, apply to Mr.

M. H. L. Railway, Hotel Dicer Meet Salon, London. Particulars of train sorties can be obtained at any L.

Station, Easton Statiou, iricANK Landau, one. 1912. General KING'S ENAD 110TICL GROSVENOR ROAD. OUTD 00 DRPARTMRNT GUINNESS' STOUT. in BOTTUM Half-Ponts.

dorm Pmts. dam Bess, dam. Pin i dm LIGHT DINNSE ALE. ES deem. "HOME -BRICWED fed.

pint ZEST BITTER BEER. 3d. Pint. Proprietress Mrs. SAMPEY.

J. H. WILLIAMS Family Butcher Pork Batchar, 106 108, FORMATE STREET, CIIZSTZU. Best qualitt i tglish BEEF, firlYrrON. aid VEAL.

COUNTRY mu PORK. of the F'nale CS ali HOKE RAM sad BAQU. Pura Cackled Masts. soda as dr garmaca. Llamaisams 117 otseved.

ALL Osuaas Stamm Plazas Yaspacal, Amman. TaL Ns 199, Tel. No. sitto PETER POWELL COACH 4i ILO roic BODY 81l WHICH FRODSH All CHSEITIEL Capilzutik, Wuad susees. Stocw-cluoia.

AL Coachwork AOlOlllOll4ll RURAL DEANERY CHAPTER. no bural Dean Rants soh (the Rey. (.100011) "Chapter" Ifarthwich cm Wednesday, when the following were The Rural Dean (presiding), the Rem. W. IMMO (Tiela of Christ Moth, Onsithe, M.

Moore (Action), M. G. Liatosther 42 v7) F. 0. Nolo Viantwield, W.

a (booth! I (Boakley), W. Cawley Reid T. B. Gilkey (Doildington), W. N.

Mayne Ord' I Withal. W. T. Geduld A. OthwriL B.

Dorfehl (Weston), 8. G. Lloyd of at. John's, (hews). D.

R. James of Christ Muse, Grows), W. WEliarne of Bt. thirnabae newel, M. B.

Wilhares (curate of St. Paul's, (srows). The procommenced with celebration of the Holy (lommunion in bantered Parish Cherub. the eekbrant being the Reciter, melted by the Vicar of Weston. An adjournment was made aim earrioe to the Crumb House, when the Rural Dean delivered he annual charge, ex- 1 bothing In.

bearers to labour unceasingly a Heir erneral pare hoe, in aosordenoe with their roue of ordination The annual we given of monies raised voluntarily in the Ferias othircles of the Deanery for the path WON months, giving £904. 10d. for extra aeries! help, 52,283. lb Bd. cherish emptiness, £6O 12a, day sdhoole, £290 Sunday ethoole.

reef o. we. needy, eta, other thumb prepare 2673. 18r. diocesan purposes, £145 lb to; hoots work, BMA 2d.

foreign nark, 5250. 4n, 6d. fabric and furniture, Me. lb. burial ground, £3.

19a Ed glebe misithessee £4O; church day eabools' buildings, 6250; Munk school buildings, £l5l 105. me large awn of £6OO for the sick and needy aa a proof, if it is needed, that the thus ea friend of the was resolved to hold a demotienal gathering in meth in December. and Iturieleound Gice. fineance in November. The.

Rural Dean annoufficed his intention of inspecting the churches and in the annum oi the year, Wen inn. Acton. and Nantwich baying already been ythimal After the elnpter, the clergy bonourtid the Rural Dean with their company at dituirr. AMUSING COURT INCIDENT- LADY'S LIVELY PASSACM. At dm Mather Police Court on 'lliarbilaT, balms Yr.

F. Bkipuith (presiding) and Colonel F. J. Bomalie. John W.

Garnett, Bridge street. was summoned for the nomattasdasco steeliool of Thelma Garoeu, 1,16 daughter, between April Lsth and May 24th. At the outlet filta Garnett, who appeared to answer the asked why the magus Mates were nth absent, se they wore firs fautes late. if the chiliirrii ware ten ninths', soltool the. marked absent.

were The Magieratee' (lark: You hd better go and sit where the defendants oat. Remarking I. it red sego or commonsense?" Mra Lanett did nos mote to take up her pokiest in the defendants' eon, and the magistrate. agreed to go on with the evidence. Mr.

Avery rid Thelma Garnett had been absent en five occanons between Apnl 15th and May 24tis. Four cautionary notion had bean sent to the and Mr. Garnett hod written a letter to die mitiunittee, who, after conaidning it. resulted that proconlinga should be taken to enGirois the as they mew no reason why the patents should not be proceeded against. Continuing, Mr.

Avery and the child was admitted to the Lovenreet Council School on August 13th, 1910, and was placed in 134anderd IV. Ile believed the child came from a private ht defiling with the oillieher from 1910 to the present time, ho found the shad attended irregularly on five cennians The ito doitotiont): Will you oamo down to the clefeadancopottitioo? 7 Defendant: Of course tha is red tape. Thu Chairman: Will you be quiet? Defendant: No; I hare come to speak at your request The Marrow. Please sit clown. Defendant: Thank you so math.

In answer to Mr. Cecil Oakva. DePM) Town Ciedr, who appeared tar the proweautian. Mr. Avery said the average isamiard attained by a shad of twelve ought to he the sixth; more ahem they wore in the seventh.

Defendant said she would very muds like Ism akild examined in all the eleownte of education. Oanuaning, she made soma allegations that SOma people were treated with favour by Mr. Avery in referstwo to tho of their children at school. Detective (Initials deposed to stewing the on Mrs. Garnett.

He end sin tore up and put it down the grid in him Orneopro. Asked if she had anything to Bay to witness. defendant end "I only want to aak whether I anted him to be present at court to corroborate what I did with the summone. I Ind not a fire at the tiros, and I put it down the drain." IC Cecil Osiew defendant had sot (iron a reisonable excuse for the non-attendance of the chill at aellooL If sickness woe to be relied on. no evidenoo had been grieci of it.

If sick. nee was robed upon it was the custom in the city to hese a doctor's certificate, and the lvssl teacher would mark opposite the name cote refiner. if be was satisfied (bet eichneee wee the cease of fin ohikra from school. They had bad no dootar's vets or note to say that the child wad ill. illaraettibrnlinely denied Mr.

Oakes' statement that no evidence whatever had been sent to the head teacher that the chikl was ill. There were two notes sent sheeting her child wan not Continuing. Mrs. Gamma meld bar child had been under the dentist with teeth. which would all have to be exttemed when the child wan fourteen yawn old.

The child was autierine from certain amount al poison whidt Wafted her system and calmed headache and name. If the child went en bed late, which minctimee happened, and she wee not awake at eight o'clock tho next morninr. VIM mho (Mrs. to go and nano her and make hog pet nu? Her mother's instiav thawed her the child must trey at home, without any advice from amide or Stain officiale. That contraSoted Mr.

Oakes' statement. When bar hothead mols the letter to the committee idle was at Ina chow A ictate the mama ller thikl was mow at the Convent, and wu in Form 4, and above girls two yam alder than 'The Wiry did not you send this child to school between Aped lb and My MI Deiendant said there hid bean two imblittss in the family. One was kw neon's, and the was away while day and the other was her eater's, aol the chiki was again away wilds, day. 'There had Mao been little garden party and her cousin's birthday party. Ono morning ab wokn up sorb a beelache, and one afternoon she oenir home hem school very poorly end arnolutely gran, so Aso duped at The Elaigiotraleo' Wo want doctor's ositifioate if she has boon ill.

Defendant: 013, we want to the dentist. Wl3y should I pay se. and pay a doctor? I must mu my ennamonneme ie this I to ask you if you sire reeding the full law or only half of it. I bete it here. During a emaaultatioa betwoan the toted dark and the dilemma "Wbo list nin to me'!" Otatinadng, daeWid: I hare written to admai leouW phew explain "miawidabW mow' They all lumw siduaftP, Lae abet dm (Mbar tasTare Thia Ntagratraind Will you Imp quiet? The radio, Ibis coati in Inc used dines' is that you mat produce dootora certilionn It the in not obit to attend the nhoul tannish aiukenn you snout bare doctor'.

cronfiames, ash you nothing. Wlt on make no cmptioll your favour. Deiandrot: I do not watt any ozooptian. I come he on WWI every wawa ill this country, aid I and not going to submit to The Chairman: You will b. Seed la 6i Ddendant Ibtate to ow, I pay The Magottatee' Mac: We via the gruel steps to enforce th Defeedent (to the Megvereteue 4 liar I hew your mole' (Loud laughter.) 1 wit know whatlzes weddings we ueseuilebly onuses (Laughter Clerk: You bum gat your surwr and you cuo fined at Wet, your humberati Dwietolunt My husband has nothing at a 2 to do with this mew.

Biaziirateaaleck: Will you plasm it Sown? Dolt Indult: What a (tumor court this is I thoutita It mos a emit al PARIO3IDE FARM. VISITORS. GROWING CROPS. iTARY HUGGNISTED. The members of Natitwith Farmers' Club held their annual outing on Thursday, and viewed from the paid' that fanned are ever on the inth-oth for something new they had a great 11thou in their inspection of Mr.

Robert Shep. bias Farm, Anton. In the pot few yams Ni. clot, has been fortunate in having the privilege of wisithig elates rather than indi. vidual farms, and seeing the good work.

of who for years have been idling to wend large sums of money in attaining the best possible results in egricultuzal panelist Three years ago they hatted Shentuent Mari, Lab' fidd, Sir Ithissrd Oeoper's estate; in 1010 they visited filwe Dots of Westminster's Nihon estate; last year they spent a full day on the extensive Saadwicts (Image estate, Stampthire, of Mr. Prank Bibby. It was thought that alter the there would ha Viola else worth seeing of any profitable interest to dairy ferment, but the projected Tilt to Farkside Farm aroused considerable entbuiaim among many farmers. A party of over lusi set out free Nastwieb on ThwadisY tharniugamel starting at 11.54 they arrived at Sutton Weaver station about 12.30. and were ocerreyod in brakes to Aston.

Bow of the party ventured in muter charabethi, and mean the road, did not arrive until lunch was nearly over. Lunch was served in the potato sprouting room, a large building in which the Brilith Dairy Farmers were entertained on their visit three years ago. Mr. W. H.

Babson (president) was supported at the head of the table by Mr. R. Shepherd, Mr. J. Sadler (secretary bf the dub), Mr.

T. L. (halstant seoretary Mr. T. Parton, Mr.

W. J. Dimon, Mr. John Hobson and Mr. F.

Nicholson (secretary to the Transvaal Agricultural who is titer in this country on a rot to study the methods of agriroltuie. Others present wore Mr. C. E. Young, Mr.

W. Dutton, Mr. B. W. Cartwright (CholisiondeleY), Mr.

A. G. Edwards, Mr. S. Bourne, Mr.

lh'. Wright (Sound). Luncheon over, the party were to keep together, and with Mr. MiepLerd of the bead, they darted no a dying whit rotted the farm. is about Ise miles in circumference.

It should be stated here that the club was not invited by Mr. Shepherd to wilt Park.ide, because he has so many application from varied bodies to pay tints of inspection, that be has to refuse them ountinually, otherwise it would be nothing more nor lees than a standing agricultural show of free admission. He granted the reacted of Farmers' Club to hold their annual picnic at Parkeidc. The farm, which cowers a good 4,50 seem, is owned by Mr. Harvey Talbot, of Aston, and is let on a yearly tonsocy to Ms.

Shepherd. who has absolute freedom in the matter of C4.116 M1011. ft is a lidding both for sire and teethed of cultivation that is rarely sewn in the dairying districts of Obrediire, soul as and The great thing with M-. to brae crop of early potatoes. and the party were newer tired of seeing them.

There are 116 acres of seed and mowing. 125 acres teed and gennaneet pasture, 80 acres potatoes, 45 ads oats. 20 wheat, 26 acres marigolds, sad four acres en-Men 'Mere are 45 tares dented with a second crop of cabbage between the potato drills, and fire acres. with a newind mop of potatoes. On there were about 20 cows reified, but during the winter therm are 146 milkers in order to keep up the steadied daily yield.

There are 2,4 two-year-old beam now grazing, and they will come into the herd during September or October next. Thump are also 50 yearlings out for grazing. Among the stook bulls are a dairy shorthorn, a Dutch itherthem, earl a red Lincoln. Once started, the Tinton, had to do a entreamelry aearadsort to keep pace with Mr. sbiepherd, said it needed a rush to all that was 143 be den in the time.

The first sight we, that of 16 men lifting early potatoes, of which Mr. Shepherd a speciality. Mn has about 80 sores of this atop, and the land needs to be in high state of cultivation to bear it, and the atop is specially good this season for the time of the year. Paining from the field, the patsy Mopped for a few minutes to see the potatoes being hampered foe the customers amine of whom have them thither, before delivery. Musing on, a 34 areas field of was admired, about half hang "Nioetyfold" and the other bitty "British Queen.

while a WO plot of new variety, "Greet Scott," aarsoied attention. The net object of interest win. a acres fi eld of video which looked like being a ketemleful sop, Well over the average for the senems. Then came 0 acres of clovers and rye gram for mowing. which leas in aptendid ocastitien after the recent ram and is bceund to be over an average crop.

Then came the pastures and the useful heed of cattle grazing. A healthy looking lot of milkers they were. and the dairymen pained favourable comments on their appearanos. being particularly i mpr essed with theaight of uPII goo 4 caitle with eo l.eve bard The while in bulk, looking ory wall, WWI in place. with the eel worm, is vary prevalent in Cheshire LA year: An 16 scam of Illarrokis attracted attention as a good and wore already bunched out.

Coming round again to the farm. another route was taken. and were it not that there was something really wor th seeing, many would have Wen the Way. Some stand the nub, tuba atoptroCl to inspect timely the eMppone and the milk mfrigezatora. It is questionable whether farmers over ao more iri such a short of time.

A most was mode through 20 arras of and "Bpoire" Potateee. and thew wens tout Question the beet that hare been seen sesame, as the of the eouipaby ad aided An abtualsoce grav, a bit on the straw aide for dairy matte, wan inspoeted in 27 as of third year rends. Then di. re twit. moors potatoes, covering 24 am, four a1 N19 of and tho reinairwier inanisolds: tJ.

ivir the later plant varieties, and were not so earl, se those perviously inspected. but will be quite reedy to lift in their turn. Then 20 acres of first year's clover and 32 semi of meadow (mirth year's reds were crowed, the latter being pniocioneorl by who irepreted it as the finest bald of stuff they had seen either this or any other seasoc. At the conclusion. the company nviert for the first than and winched the procession of dairy cone pest and afterwards they actiourtied for tea, whsoh waw vary iveleocrie.

After tea, speeolime were made, but owing to pramwe apoe we are unable to eye but kW report. An extended report 01 the ePeethwr will appear next STIOOII9B TO AGRICULTURE. Mr. A. G.

Rthwirde (Eladington), pcip.sing the toast of agriculture, said they ought to feel gratified that they had not a repetition of 1911 in the matter of weather, though noisy began to croak short time ago shout the prospet of 1 a i i rmater. There wee not so snack of the oat sow 1112(114: farmers that them mod jto be. They we. combising together for their COMeon goad. There were stirring times ahead.

and it was necessary for femme' to eon, bins and tab an interest is recent legielation. They were about to become under the Act, about which bad nothing to my, except that he would have preferred that his wage book should be handed in at the end of the year to some auditor and taxed of his having to ask hie men for feturpence and adding aamps to their credit. Mr. 8. Bourne 'stoke Hall).

responding. sad he did not take a prearnistio view of rs nTioulture sad they were batted to have their ape airy' dove, as their forefathers bad in timee gone by. Been in the year 1911 he did not think any of them suffered Ike acme of the farmers is years gone by. and be was placid to em, through Ms amounts at the end of the as seemahle year of 1911, that althougt be id not seed much be did not lose a ytteng. aanghter, sed aim of "Lucky speeches were made by Mr.

F. Waokailerci, wee proposed the toast of the "Warmer Otab," and by Mr. J. Sadler. who reglad The toed of Mr.

Shepherd's health was te by Mr. T. C. Goodwin, and seeondad by Mr. W.

J. Dutton. Bah Mr. Radler and Mr. Danko urged the members of the club to comider the question of timing a representative in Parliament for agrieshure.

the country's gre.iseat industry. Rekering to the recent movement for dealing with surplus milk, Mr. Radler mid they had made miaskre. but they norrected them at a very early stage. and he had now the utmost rottfodenee in mying that the mashy responsible for that latest development in the cocpurative prieciple was working on perfectly sound and Seale (Applasim) Belau Gladstone attributed the p', Gang Banal Girls at Bangor on nista.

Do You wish to Help the Chester Infirmary Extension Fund? Then do so to your own benefit by pui chasing a Rootless Veilholda, the simple yet clever device to fix a veil comfortably and smartly, at E. P. Playfoot's, 47, Bridge Street Row, Chester, the following proportion of cash received for each Knotless Veilholda will be devoted to the Infirmary. IltiM4y, d. )To In fi rmary (Extension Fund.

Wag auxiout to help as much as possiLle, I have selected a notelty that is freely, and decided to pl ice mentioned above in a money box (the ley of which 4 h.s been sent to the Infirmary authorities), in the presmce of the purcliaaer. It is in oo way an 4 alterati.n, in the prices of the Knot- 4 less VcilbolJas, these Ming strictly faze I i the patentee. De NOT DELAY. THIS 07 ER IS MADE FOR A ORT TIME ONLY by E. P.

PLAYFOOT The Blouse Specialist, 47, Bridge St. Row, 'Phone 41111.. CHESTED, CATaEDRAL. Seaviet last ne VlsaiOlumvroma Jcs der: Xl3O. 80: Holy ni4.a.

1818: nor' ivr, at Nathan. are the turrvil4l" (Bika). Etesing, 4.15: ht li Rat: malaria, "bleat and Maar). Scapa'', Jtar 16ro (ar.nd Sunday attar Loraiag, and 11.,17 Cacoeutdoa. tiervior, Watnarley intu i t.

hymn 330; intanoo (8 en H); preacht e. the ia 3.33: denier. await in 6 eat: astbara, Thou (Stainerl; hymn 515. 680: Niue Dialittii Ch.nte. 3130; preacher, the Vac the Anadeacon Neve, Juvn line 8.0, Hely Gardnanion.

10.15: Manner, iw gi anthem, griaLgimmbg). leriniag. 4.15: Venire, LlArkein IL; aMiams won neriase" (Yendel-4801. TAlm 4 nar. Jura L.O: Holy OumalUniso.

10.15: nervier, ilopkive hf aatbrm, "Ponder Soy Evening, 4.15: denim, Hopkins in anthem. in that 10,1 1) leen 7.45: 11AtInn and Holy Ooternamm. /0.15: Thc litany; Gvlr.e AL4I. Evening, 4.15: io anthem. me, 0 tnessonv.

dOve. Horning, 11.0 Holy Commu' Moan ALIA gal U.dnnAL) md.ivenh "0 ra 54.54" Eremng. Mahnigof In 1); 0 Lord, the MORT el ad things" (Seery VIII). ItalLaT, orning, 7.4:r0, Nat -Al Holy Conatnrinsue. The 113 An 115.

E. esti, 4.15: Service blai A anthem, Jc.a, ths var.) thaugin" (g) FUER CIitiRUHES Preueberr tqr in the various Pm Okureb placro of we Onsirmational street 10.45 and 620, Rev. A. 13,1. Cougresationsl, Walter street, Saab 1646 aad C.uagreilao..u•l, 10.45.

Mr. W. Levee 6.30. Upton 10, Mr. A.

Hiide; 6.1.. Mr. F. Upper Northgoteeoreet 10.45 and H. Groper.

Chapel, Alblan Perk: 10.45 and Ker. H. Jones. Baughtou 10.45 and 6.30, 14. Cuogicsativn.l.

Harad4idge J. 8 City-road 6.3.). Mr. K. Men ILA.

kresbyterian 'Church of England. Norgsiestient 10 and 539. moemon. M.A. 6.3 Rev.

J. J. 1141, ouitater.rond: 11.0, Mr. .1. "1.

6.3 Mr. lit.y. Liaptibt. Milton fitreet, 10.45 Mort G. Supply.

Weed. Baron, l'ensi Memorial: 10.34.1 and 7P em 'rpm Mutbodist. St. 10.30 and Her. A.

U. Woodmen, I.ydoey. Werloyan Slethudist, etty-ntail boo, T. .6.30. Mr.

J. Walker. Was eyao, Meu.ulut, thrden.lane 11.0, Mr. S. Wentrutch; 0.30, Mr.

T. LI. Wesleyan liotbodosi, Salsimy 10.45, Mr. C. S.

Divided 4.3 Flee. T. M. Kerrutsh. W.i.h Wamleyau.

Qaseu-street: 10.30 aol 60, Bee W. Moro 0 0 .041, 1.1. A. 11 Ferry 2.30. Weleb Cialviuiatic Methodist.

St. John.ttreee Mae and Pritchard, Oeureatry, Primitive Metiavilait, Garage -street 10.43 sod 6.30. Student. tlanihevter euilege. Primitive Ni.tht 10.0, Mr.

J. Ilinnhull 6.70, Supply. Primitive lianter.ttreet: 10.13 and G. 30, Mr. H.

Pinehre Primitive 10.43 6.30, Mr. E. Cooper. Primitive Methodist, 10.46 and 6.30. Mr.

li Bravo. 13 11i74i Trietlodas-a Peppormreet 10.45 sad ilk Rev. J. W. Hall.

Wavecton neutJ) Weiss: 10.4:5 and 6.30, Rev. D. Manuel, M.A. Matthew Hcnr, 11.0 an 6.33, Rev. D.

J. Churt.l ehrPt. Upper Northotte-etreel: 10.45 auk; L. Hindle. Uhurch of Giants.

10.15 sad 6." Pastor Was. B. Shaw. Now Church Society, 43A, ILec. L.

A. Slight. Spiritualist Chureb, Cosurounhall.sttest 3.0 and 7. TC r. PRINTING We have large GENERAL PRINTIN Li DEPART- M.EN'r from the Newspaper Printing) fitted with waders type, machinery end CONI MERGIAL PRINTING OF ALL MISCRIPTIONS.

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.